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Easy Fall Planter Ideas - Fun Toddler Activity

Easy Fall Planter Ideas

The girls, my mom and I headed to the plant store to deck out our front porch.  We picked up ALL the fall plants and I was so excited to put them out!  We found the most gorgeous pink and coral mums and I couldn't leave a single one behind.  Now that the girls are a little bit older, they love helping out with projects like these.  It's difficult to keep their attention for too long, but they are super into gardening since it's something I also love.  I put together some super easy fall planter ideas that you can involve your toddlers in too!

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

We got the girls involved in picking out our mums.  They loved taking the time to find the perfect one!  The store we were at had an amazing deal.  Pint sized mums were all $1!  We chose a few of those to add to our planter.  They even had some huge mums already planted on clearance!  When choosing plants for our pots, I like to do something with height for the middle, one or two trailing plants, and then a few small accents for pops of color.  I chose to do a mix of colors for this pot, but sometimes I'll stick to more of a color theme.  I've done all purples, all pinks, reds, etc.  Both are fun!

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Madi is wearing my old OshKosh overalls! Both girls bows are from The Darling Bow Co. 

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

all ready to check out! 

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

a much needed snack break 

Planting Time!

When I put together our fall planters, I use the same pots I used for our summer pots.  I will pull out our old summer plants (or even save some if there is greenery or trailing plants that still look good).  Then, I'll pull out the top few inches of soil and put in our garden (since it's still good!).  Then, I'll add some more fresh soil.  I always get the huge bags of organic miracle grow soil from Costco.  Two bags will usually last me all Summer and into Fall.

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

First, I put the tallest plant in the center.  I chose the purple aster (which is sort of like a mum) for the center of our pot. 

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Next, I added in the trailing plant.  For this pot, I chose a cute little fern!  This one is a perennial, so it will come back each year (I'll keep it in there when I transition to Spring). 

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Finally, I add in the accents.  We went with a fall pansy (I got another one for a smaller plant that I paired with a yellow mum.  I love purple and yellow together!), a pink mum and a yellow mum, and then an ornamental pepper.  I love those for fall.  

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

The finished product!  Once ornamental cabbage arrives in stores, I'll pick up a couple of those to add to this pot.  I also love adding mini pumpkins inside the pot for decor.  I like my pots overstuffed!  I'll have to do a before and after once all the plants grow! 

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

I got the above blue planter at Home Goods.  My mom and I actually got it in Chicago when I lived in Indiana.  We drove it across the country to where it is now in Oregon!  

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Front Porch Hangs

The girls love hanging out on the front porch and acting crazy in our yard for all to see.  I love decorating our porch, especially for Fall!  We need to get to the pumpkin patch to really deck it out!

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

The girls jammies are from Bambi and Birdie and they are SO soft.  This print is the Hummingbird print.   

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

Fall Planter Ideas

Please let me know if you have any questions!  Thanks for reading and following along with us!  If you're searching for Fall fun, check out our other posts here and here!

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Easy fall planter ideas you can do with your kids, mums, fall porch

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