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Our White Oak Flooring - You'll Love This Flooring Option!

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Now that we've been in our home for 6 months, I thought it was time to review our flooring! One of the most asked questions I receive over on Instagram is where our floor is from. First of all, I am absolutely in love with our flooring.

I love the color of it, the thick planks, and the durability factor (although it's not perfect which I'll talk about more below). I knew I wanted a lighter/neutral flooring and I'm so happy we chose white oak flooring for our home.

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

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White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

Our flooring is by Anderson Tuftex. We chose engineered but our flooring looks SO much like natural wood. With little kids and pets I knew I didn't want real hard woods.

I have a few friends with real hardwood floors and they haven't held up well.

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

bench // tree

With lots of scratches and scrapes, I knew I wanted something a little tougher. I am by no means and expert on flooring, this is just my personal review and sharing the research we conducted prior to choosing our floor.

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

Flooring Details

Having small samples of home finishes can be difficult to envision. Luckily, I fell in love with this flooring as it was the floor in our design center. I was able to see it in a large area which was so nice. We figured if they chose this flooring in such a high traffic area, it must be durable!

Our specific flooring is again by Anderson Tuftex and it is an engineered white oak from their Metallics collection. Don't let the name scare you!

The color is pewter. They have several colors including pearl, white gold, bronze, and cobalt. Pewter would be considered grey, but these floors are definitely NOT grey.

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

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White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

Their metallics collection is a gorgeous flooring line! The only time I ever know it has metallics in it is when the sunlight hits it just right. It has the slightest (and I mean slightest) hint of a glimmer.

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

I honestly didn't even realize this until I was sitting on the floor and was able to look at it really closely. It's actually a really pretty feature and one you need to see in person! They infuse metallic powders into the stain treatment.

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

this is a photo prior to us moving in 

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

the above photo was taken in the design center and those two panels were our other options

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

Our white oak flooring is made up of 8" planks. I knew I wanted a wide plank after having narrow planks in our old home. They definitely look more high end (which you pay for!).

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

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They are painted and then wire brushed for texture. Our floors are not shiny (gloss level is 12%) and have a more matte look to them which I love.

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

They are also very interesting because they are not a cool or warm tone, but right in the middle. I love this because I can decorate with either color tone and they still look great!

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review


Now for the biggest question. Are they durable? My answer is yes, but we've had a few mishaps when we first moved in. We did get a few scratches in the floors while moving furniture. I think this would be the case with any flooring though.

The moving company we hired was a nightmare. They dinged up our fridge (we're still waiting on a replacement) and did not properly move our furniture. We haven't had any of the flooring scratch since then.

Luckily, our builders were able to replace a few of the planks. Also, some of the knots in the flooring have come loose. Our builder was also able to have the flooring contractor fix these by filling them in.

Since then, we have not had another issue. The company that installed our floors let us know this was common and that these floors actually age better over time with those tiny imperfections. Overall, these floors are durable but I wouldn't drag furniture across them.

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

Anderson Tuftex uses their Luster-Lock® Ultra Finish that has micro-sized crystals of ceramic and aluminum oxide suspended in the finish.

This makes it 6 times more resistant to scuffs and abrasions than some of the other hardwood brands. Again, not perfect but we're overall very happy with them!

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

this is right after our stairs were installed. We went with white risers and I'm so glad we did! 


While doing research, I've found that our engineered white oak flooring is on the expensive side. I found a similar hard wood floor here that runs about $7.50 per square foot.

Our Anderson Tuftex engineered flooring was around $17.60 per square foot. That is quite the price difference!

In our old home, we had a very, very dark and shiny engineered hardwood. Every single drop of water would leave water marks behind.

This was not helpful with a golden retriever who likes to drip water everywhere! We knew our biggest splurge while building our home was going to be the flooring so I'm ok with it.

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

Pro's to White Oak Flooring

White oak flooring has a hardness score of 1360. It is harder than red oak, white ash, cherry and walnut. It will withstand daily use well, without a lot of denting or dinging.

White oak has a very classic and neutral tone, so this floor will last through different styles. It is also very impervious to water (not water resistant, but close!).

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review

Con's to White Oak Flooring

The only real con I can come up with is that white oak is a more expensive flooring. The durability factor is definitely worth it and will hold its value in your home.

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I hope that this post was helpful in your flooring research! Please feel free to comment below if you have any questions or you can DM me on Instagram!

White Oak Flooring - Our Flooring Review
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