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5 Energy Boosters for Work From Home Moms

Thank you to the makers of 5-hour™ TEA shots for sponsoring this post.

I always say, if I could have an ounce of my kids energy I could get so much accomplished in a day!  I've now been a work from home mom for a year now, and it's been an interesting ride so far!  My girls do go to preschool three half days a week, so I get a little bit of time to myself.  Energy is tough to come by when I spend each night working until 11 and then trying my hardest to wake up before the girls.  Today I am sharing 5 energy boosters for work from home moms (but these can really work for anyone!).

5 Energy Boosters for Work From Home Moms

5 Energy Boosters for Work From Home Moms

1 - Get Outside

5 Energy Boosters for Work From Home Moms

Something that always works for me to boost my energy is to get outside!  If I'm having a lazy day, I try to get the girls ready and head to the park.  Even if it's cold outside we try to head out at least once per day.  It helps boost our mood and overall energy.  It really does work!

2 - Take a Cat Nap

5 Energy Boosters for Work From Home Moms

Ok, this one might not always be feasible if you don't have kids that nap.  A 10-20 minute nap can really help boost energy!  However, make sure you don't sleep for too long and enter into REM sleep.  You could wake up groggy and with even less energy.  Has this ever happened to you?  You go to take a quick nap and end up sleeping way longer than you planned.  You wake up with less energy!  Make sure to set an alarm for around 20 minutes.

3 - Caffeine

5 Energy Boosters for Work From Home Moms

I love my caffeine and I can't go without it!  I've been using 5-hour™ TEA shots to help me keep up with the day.  I have worked every single day without a single day off the last year, and I need a little boost to help me keep up!  The caffeine in 5-hour™ TEA  comes from green tea leaves and has the same caffeine as a cup of coffee, and they are packed with vitamins and nutrients.  It really does give me some extra energy to get through my daily tasks and to keep up with my kids. 5-hour™ TEA   shots help keep me feeling energized and alert.  They come in a few different flavors (raspberry tea, lemon tea, and peach tea) and I really love them all!  The best part is that it's sugar-free and is 4 calories! Since it does contain caffeine, I make sure to not have a 5-hour™ TEA  shot much past 2 PM (so I can still get to sleep at night).  You can find them at Walmart or these retailers here!  Limit caffeine products to avoid nervousness, sleeplessness, and occasional rapid heartbeat.

4 - Exersize

5 Energy Boosters for Work From Home Moms

I LOVE working out and now that I'm into a great routine, it's become addicting!  I find that if I'm not physically active my energy levels are actually lower!  If you aren't currently exercising, start with a simple walk around your neighborhood.  Load up the kids in the stroller and head out for a walk!  Start simple and work your way up to adding weights or going to a gym.

5 - Sleep

5 Energy Boosters for Work From Home Moms

There really is no replacement for a great night of sleep!  Try to get to bed early and wake up before your kids!  I promise, it makes a world of difference.  It might be hard at first, but try to push back bedtime by 5 minutes each night until you are going to bed at a decent time.  I love sleeping with a fan and an eye mask so the room is extra dark.  This really does help to give you energy throughout the day!

5 Energy Boosters for Work From Home Moms

5 Energy Boosters for Work From Home Moms

Make sure to check out 5-hour™ TEA  shots to help you get through your day! We are all so busy no matter what we do, so it's nice to have a great way to boost energy quickly and easily!

What are your favorite ways to boost energy throughout the day?  I'd love to hear!  Thank you so much for reading!

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