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Keeping Little Kids Busy at Home

We're living in a really scary time and I'm quite certain our schools here will be closing soon. The girls will most likely be staying home with me for the foreseeable future. Keeping little kids busy at home during the Coronavirus pandemic can be planned for now.

Since we're still in the earlier days (for now), I am placing some orders on Amazon, Target, and Walmart. I thought I'd share what I am grabbing NOW before it's too late. I am a planner, and I am honestly worried we may be on some sort of lock down soon.

Keeping Little Kids Busy at Home During the Pandemic

My friend Liz has been sharing her pandemic prep list and has been so incredibly helpful over the past several weeks. Check out her blog here for tips and ideas. We have been needing to replenish our activities for the girls, so I figured now is the time!

Click any item below to shop!

Outdoor Activities for Kids

Most of these are appropriate from age 3ish-6ish but could of course be great for older kids too! I tried to snag a few Spring items like these adorable garden kits. The girls LOVE to help me in the garden, and I think they'll love these. They also needed some updated gardening tools. I figure we can be in the backyard planting and having fun. Luckily the weather is supposed to be nice over the next week, so we can be outside. The girls also love bubbles so I got a new bubble machine. I always get bubble refills too!

I have a love hate relationship with water beads. The girls had them in a water table one year and spread them all over the back yard. Ugh. I paired these with a clear plastic bin so that they can either play with them inside or out. It would be fun to add some small plastic toys to this for a sensory bin experience.

Indoor Activities for Kids

We grabbed a few arts/crafts activities to keep the girls busy indoors. They love magnetic tiles, so I figured a few new ones wouldn't hurt. Kinetic sand is currently their jam. They could play with this for hours. We love playing board games in our home, so I grabbed a couple new ones.


I grabbed a couple of skill books for pre-school and kindergarten. Since the girls are still not quite in school, we'll try to work on these a few times per day. There are also a lot of great learning apps too. Personally, we like Homer. I'll set the girls up with the app during the day.

I don't want to cause any panic here, but I just wanted to share some items that I'm getting the the girls in case we are stuck at home for a little bit. We'd use these anyways, so I'm glad to have some options! Thanks so much for reading, and let me know if you have questions. Hopefully you stay safe where you are!

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Keeping Little Kids Busy at Home Keeping Little Kids Busy at Home

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