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Spring Style Picks for Little Girls

We have been finding the cutest things for Spring for the girls lately and I had to share!  It stopped raining for the day on Sunday, so we broke out a couple of new pieces that we picked up on sale yesterday.  I'm dying at how cute they are (see photos below!).  Also, I got McKinlee the rainbow purse below and Madi had a complete fit when she didn't get hers.  I need to pick up another one while they are still 35% off!  I also picked up some basic leggings for the girls for $5 each.  The denim jumpers had to come home with us too!  I got the ballerina jeans for Madi (since McKinlee pretty much refuses to wear pants these days).  Denim is all 50% off too!  Here are a few Spring style picks for little girls!

Spring Style Picks for Little Girls

Spring Style Picks for Little Girls

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19

We had to get the red clogs for the girls.  We had the tan ones from last year and I am obsessed with anything red!  How cute are all these rain boots too?!  We'll be getting a lot of use out of our rain boots here in Portland.  I hope you found some fun Spring style picks for little girls in our round up!  Make sure to check out our other Spring picks here!  Thanks for reading!

Spring Style Picks for Little Girls

dress // purse // boots

Spring Style Picks for Little Girls

Spring Style Picks for Little Girls

Spring Style Picks for Little Girls

Spring Style Picks for Little Girls

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