We have been finding the cutest things for Spring for the girls lately and I had to share! It stopped raining for the day on Sunday, so we broke out a couple of new pieces that we picked up on sale yesterday. I'm dying at how cute they are (see photos below!). Also, I got McKinlee the rainbow purse below and Madi had a complete fit when she didn't get hers. I need to pick up another one while they are still 35% off! I also picked up some basic leggings for the girls for $5 each. The denim jumpers had to come home with us too! I got the ballerina jeans for Madi (since McKinlee pretty much refuses to wear pants these days). Denim is all 50% off too! Here are a few Spring style picks for little girls!
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We had to get the red clogs for the girls. We had the tan ones from last year and I am obsessed with anything red! How cute are all these rain boots too?! We'll be getting a lot of use out of our rain boots here in Portland. I hope you found some fun Spring style picks for little girls in our round up! Make sure to check out our other Spring picks here! Thanks for reading!