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7 Day Kids' Declutter and Tidy Up Challenge for Spring!

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Spring is right around the corner and I am ready to declutter our home! I have a really great 7 day kids' declutter and tidy challenge that you can implement with your own kids. The below graphics are pretty high level, so I am going to break down exactly what we're doing in our home for each day but feel free to add what works for your home! We are really good about going through toys often and donating. Our play room does need a bit of an overhaul right now though. Follow along for our 7 day declutter challenge!

7 Day Kids' Declutter and Tidy Up Challenge for Spring!


Make sure to download our free printable to follow along with. Just click the link and download the PDF. I also have a checklist to help motivate your kids to finish the challenge. You can even offer a prize to them at the end if you'd like!

Day One - Toys 

For our first day, we are tackling the biggest beast in our home. The toys! I have lots of baskets and bins throughout our home, but somehow there are still always toys everywhere. Take this first day to have your kids go through their toys and decide which ones they want to donate. Place unwanted toys that are still usable in garbage bags to donate. I've found that when I do this without my girls, they always ask 'where did that stuffy go' and then I have to make up a story. This way, they'll be involved and will understand that their toys are going to someone that needs a new toy more than them.

I have some of my favorite toy organization items linked in this post. Make sure to check it out!

7 Day Kids' Declutter and Tidy Up Challenge for Spring!

Day Two - Bedroom

I don't know about you, but I find the most random things under our girls beds. Take this time to remake and freshen up their bed/bedding. Do they need new bedding or a little Spring refresh with some new pillows? Have them pull out any toys/garbage from under their bed and really clean under it. Dust and clean tops of dressers/shelves and organize and clean nightstand.

7 Day Kids' Declutter and Tidy Up Challenge for Spring!

Day Three - Bedroom - Clothing 

Next up is clothing. Have your child pick up any random dirty clothes and put them in their hamper or laundry. If I let this go too long, I'll find random dirty clothes shoved in bins. It's very frustrating but this will hopefully help them learn! While they're doing this, I like to go through their closet/drawers and decide what clothing needs to go. I will set aside a bag for donations and then a bin for items that are too small but can be passed on to our younger daughter or friends. This is something I like to do quarterly.

7 Day Kids' Declutter and Tidy Up Challenge for Spring!

Day Four - Tidy Up Closet

Day three and four run together as we're still going through our clothing here. Use this day to re-organize their closet. Now that you have everything pulled out that is too worn out or no longer fits, have them help organize their clothing/shoes. I also use this time to go through hair accessories. We have A LOT of bows, so I will go through them and decide what we want to keep and what we want to give to friends. Our friends love getting our hand-me-down bows!

Day Five - Organize Crafts/Art Supplies 

Next up, we'll be organizing our craft/art/workspace. Our girls LOVE crafting and coloring and if this space goes for too long, it becomes disastrous. I like organizing our art supplies in bins like these. I also love this organizer for our crayons/colored pencils/markers.

Day Six - Organize Bathroom 

Do your kids have their own bathroom? If you're like us, it tends to become messy quickly! Help your kids go through their drawers and donate or toss items that they no longer need/use. Take this time to re-assess your organizing tools in here. Do you need to toothbrush holders? How are the soap dispensers looking? Do you need to clean out under the sinks or add more storage?

Day Seven - Playroom/Toys 

Once you have gone through your toys from day one, organize them into categories. If you have bins like us, place them in their designated bins. I'm not going to sugar coat this and say they'll stay in their place but at least it's a start! Next, dust, vacuum and clean all floors. Dust windowsills and clean blinds if you have them.

Organize small toys in divided bins. This will help to at least give them a fresh start even if they won't stay perfect forever!


I created a checklist to go along with this challenge to hopefully motivate your kid to clean! I'm not sure about you, but my girls love checking items off to-do lists! Again, just click here to download the free printable.

7 Day Kids' Declutter and Tidy Up Challenge for Spring!

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Hopefully this post has helped you to get motivated for Spring cleaning! I'll be releasing my decluttering your home challenge very soon, so keep your eyes out for that! Please feel free to leave me a question in the comments below, or you can DM me on Instagram!

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7 Day Kids' Declutter and Tidy Up Challenge for Spring!
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