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Our Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

When Layce Bauman posted her pumpkin patch photoshoot mini sessions, I knew we had to jump on board!  She is an amazing photographer and I always love how quick and to the point she is, but she always gets the best shots.  We headed out to Sauvie's Island to The Pumpkin Patch and it was rainy and cold, and basically miserable.  Not everything around here is sunshine and roses!  There was a hayride to the pumpkins and it was so incredibly bumpy and rainy.  But, we ended up getting some amazing shots and I'll never forget this day!  Layce also did our Christmas Tree farm photos two years ago!  We didn't have too much time to spend at this pumpkin patch, but it looked super fun!  They had a lot of kids activities and yummy food.  The girls did end up getting an elephant ear when we were all done!

Our Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

Ryan's jacket / shirt / my tank (on major clearance) / sweater is old (similar) / jeans 

Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

Madi's top (run's small-size up!) / skirt / boots (old-similar color) / bows / tights 

Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

McKinlee's boots / tights / dress / vest / bow

Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

my necklace

We may have had to throw our boots away (Ryan and I) after we were done, but I'm happy with the photos we got!  I'll be printing these to hang up before Fall is over.  Happy October and thanks as always for reading!

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Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

2 comments on “Our Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot”

  1. we just got done at the pumpkin patch yesterday and it was SO hot. I don't know if I'd rather be too hot or freezing and muddy yuck! At least your outfits are on fleek! haha

  2. We had some of the best coffee on our entire trip at the Pumpkin Patch in town. Everything in the store is organic and the coffee is delicious, but the homemade fudge is to die for.

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